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chapitre supplémentaire conditions de médecine traditionnelle - module i


!markdown **This supplementary chapter is a subclassification for optional use. This chapter is not intended for mortality reporting. Coding should always include also a category from the chapters 1-24 of ICD.** This supplementary chapter refers to disorders and patterns which originated in ancient Chinese Medicine and are commonly used in China, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere around the world. This list represents a union set of harmonized traditional medicine conditions of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean classifications. For an extended list of traditional medicine conditions, please refer to the International Classification of Traditional Medicine (ICTM). **Definitions:** A disorder in traditional medicine, disorder (TM1)[1], refers to a set of dysfunctions in any of the body systems which presents with associated manifestations, i.e. a single or a group of specified signs, symptoms, or findings. Each disorder (TM1) may be defined by its symptomatology, etiology, course and outcome, or treatment response. 1. Symptomatology: signs, symptoms or unique findings by traditional medicine diagnostic methods, including inspection such as tongue examination, history taking (inquiry), listening and smelling examination, palpation such as pulse taking, abdominal examination, and other methods. 2. TM Etiology: the underlying traditional medicine explanatory style, such as environmental factors (historically known in TM translations as the external contractions), emotional factors (historically known in TM translations as the seven emotions), or other pathological factors, processes, and products. 3. Course and outcome: a unique path of development of the disorder (TM1) over time. 4 Treatment response: known response to traditional medicine interventions. In defining a disorder (TM1), symptomology and etiology are required. Course and outcome, and treatment response are optional. A pattern in traditional medicine, pattern (TM1), refers to the complete clinical presentation of the patient at a given moment in time including all findings. Findings may include symptomology or patient constitution, among other things. 1. Symptomatology (as above). 2. Constitution: the characteristics of an individual, including structural and functional characteristics, temperament, ability to adapt to environmental changes, or susceptibility to various health conditions. This is relatively stable, being in part genetically determined while partially acquired. [1]:'TM1' refers to Traditional Medicine conditions - Module I. The (TM1) designation is used throughout this chapter for every traditional medicine diagnostic category in order to be clearly distinguishable from conventional medicine concepts.




1. ce chapitre supplémentaire fait référence à un ensemble de troubles et de profils qui sont apparus dans la médecine chinoise antique et qui sont couramment utilisés en chine, au japon, en corée et ailleurs dans le monde. cette liste représente un ensemble syndical de conditions de médecine traditionnelle harmonisées des classifications chinoise, japonaise et coréenne. pour une liste étendue des conditions de la médecine traditionnelle, veuillez vous reporter à la classification internationale de la médecine traditionnelle (ictm). * * définitions : * * a disorder in traditional medicine, disorder (tm1) [1], se rapporte à un ensemble de dysfonctions dans l'un ou l'autre des systèmes organiques qui se présente par des manifestations associées, c.-à-d. un seul ou un groupe de signes, symptômes ou résultats spécifiés. chaque trouble (tm1) peut se définir par sa symptomatologie, son étiologie, son cours et son résultat, ou par la réponse au traitement. 1. symptomatologie : signes, symptômes ou

(tm1) χαρακτηρισμό: η υποκείμενη παραδοσιακή ιατρική, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία, η υπερμετρωπία και η καταταξινομία. για έναν εκτεταμένο κατάλογο των παραδοσιακών συνθηκών ιατρικής, ανατρέξτε στην διεθνή ταξινόμηση της παραδοσιακής ιατρικής (ictm). * * ορισμοί: * * αταξία στην παραδοσιακή ιατρική, διαταραχή (tm1) [1], αναφέρεται σε ένα σύνολο δυσλειτουργιών σε οποιοδήποτε από τα συστήματα του σώματος που παρουσιάζει με συνδεδεμένων εκδηλώσεων, δηλαδή ένα ενιαίο ή μια ομάδα από προσδιορισμένες ενδείξεις, συμπτώματα ή findings. κάθε διαταραχή (tm1)

!markdown **This supplementary chapter is a subclassification for optional use. This chapter is not intended for mortality reporting. Coding should always include also a category from the chapters 1-24 of ICD.** This supplementary chapter refers to disorders and patterns which originated in ancient Chinese Medicine and are commonly used in China, Japan, Korea, and elsewhere around the world. This list represents a union set of harmonized traditional medicine conditions of the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean classifications. For an extended list of traditional medicine conditions, please refer to the International Classification of Traditional Medicine (ICTM). **Definitions:** A disorder in traditional medicine, disorder (TM1)[1], refers to a set of dysfunctions in any of the body systems which presents with associated manifestations, i.e. a single or a group of specified signs, symptoms, or findings. Each disorder (TM1) may be defined by its symptomatology, etiology, course and outcome, or treatment response. 1. Symptomatology: signs, symptoms or unique findings by traditional medicine diagnostic methods, including inspection such as tongue examination, history taking (inquiry), listening and smelling examination, palpation such as pulse taking, abdominal examination, and other methods. 2. TM Etiology: the underlying traditional medicine explanatory style, such as environmental factors (historically known in TM translations as the external contractions), emotional factors (historically known in TM translations as the seven emotions), or other pathological factors, processes, and products. 3. Course and outcome: a unique path of development of the disorder (TM1) over time. 4 Treatment response: known response to traditional medicine interventions. In defining a disorder (TM1), symptomology and etiology are required. Course and outcome, and treatment response are optional. A pattern in traditional medicine, pattern (TM1), refers to the complete clinical presentation of the patient at a given moment in time including all findings. Findings may include symptomology or patient constitution, among other things. 1. Symptomatology (as above). 2. Constitution: the characteristics of an individual, including structural and functional characteristics, temperament, ability to adapt to environmental changes, or susceptibility to various health conditions. This is relatively stable, being in part genetically determined while partially acquired. [1]:'TM1' refers to Traditional Medicine conditions - Module I. The (TM1) designation is used throughout this chapter for every traditional medicine diagnostic category in order to be clearly distinguishable from conventional medicine concepts.




chapitre supplémentaire conditions de médecine traditionnelle - module i







Supplementary Chapter Traditional Medicine Conditions - Module I

chapitre supplémentaire conditions de médecine traditionnelle - module i

συμπληρωματικό κεφάλαιο παραδοσιακές συνθήκες ιατρικής - ενότητα i



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