NCBO Annotator +

The NCBO Annotator+ is a proxy calling the NCBO Annotator Web service on the NCBO BioPortal.

Tchechmedjiev, A., Abdaoui, A., Emonet, V., Melzi, S., Jonnagaddala, J., & Jonquet, C. (2018). Enhanced functionalities for annotating and indexing clinical text with the NCBO Annotator+. Bioinformatics, 34(11), 1962-1965.

If using the API, please provide a valid NCBO BioPortal apikey and hit the service at
Text submitted to the NCBO Annotator+ must be in English.

Show advanced options >>
Start typing to select ontologies or leave blank to use all
Start typing to select UMLS semantic types or leave blank to use all
Start typing to select UMLS semantic groups or leave blank to use all
Score annotations following the previous 2009 NCBO measure (old) or the C-Value measure (cvalue). If hierarchy expansion is used, then prefer cvalueh.
Specify the minimum score value for annotations
Specify the minimum position in the scoring distribution (between 1 and 100)
Enable FastContext to detect : if a concept has been negated (affirmed, negated), who experienced the found concept (patient, other), when the annotated concept occurred (recent, historical, hypothetical), and/or if the annotated concept is uncertain (certain, uncertain).


Class filter
Ontology filter
Type filter
UMLS Sem Type Context Matched Class filter
Matched Ontology filter
Score Negation Experiencer Temporality Certainty
Format results as:
Reproduce these results using the
Additional parameters explained at Annotator API documentation