Acronym | MTHMSTFRE |
Visibility | Public |
Description | Traduction française du Metathesaurus Version of Minimal Standard Terminology Digestive Endoscopy (2001). MTHMST contient des termes anatomiques, de diagnostique, de procédure en relation avec l'endoscopie. La version de UMLS ne contenant pas d'accents, ceux-ci ont été rajoutés (de manière non exhaustive) |
Status | Production |
Format | UMLS |
Contact | NLM Customer Service, |
Categories | Traduction français |
Groups | French Unified Medical Language System |
copyright Holder | NLM |
deprecated | false |
endpoint | local:local |
example Identifier | |
funded By | U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) |
has Domain | |
has Formality Level | |
Ontology Syntax | |
has Prior Version | |
identifier | |
keywords | endoscopie digestive, endoscopie médicale |
Natural Language | |
publisher | U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM) |
Release date | 2015-11-09T00:00:00+00:00 |
Translation of | |
URI Lookup Endpoint | |
version | 2002 |
No views of MTHMSTFRE available
Classes | 1,700 |
Individuals | 0 |
Properties | 1 |
Maximum depth | 0 |
Maximum number of children | 0 |
Average number of children | 0 |
Classes with a single child | 0 |
Classes with more than 25 children | 0 |
Classes with no definition | 1,700 |
No projects using MTHMSTFRE